Strategies and Programs


Our strategy for helping you to develop a deep and meaningful spiritual practice has three principle components.

Mindful Practice

Mindfulness practice involves paying attention to your experience in the present moment, a willingness to be open to all experiences whether pleasant or unpleasant, and developing a broader, more wholesome perspective on how you relate to your own thoughts, feelings and sensations.  A wide variety of Jewish and specifically Hasidic spiritual practices are used to enhance mindfulness practice.


Healthy Mind States, Values  and Character Development

The Tree of Life Kabbalistic paradigm  describes  seven  middot or characteristics that are central to the development of a values driven, spiritual life. These middot inform numerous psycho-spiritual practices that enhance our ability to love, accept responsibility, practice compassion, forgiveness, deeds of loving-kindness, humility, and interpersonal connection.

Interpersonal Mindfulness


 Interpersonal Mindfulness is a practice that helps us to translate what has been learned in individual mindfulness practice into our interpersonal lives.  We practice mindfulness while engaged in structured dialogues and contemplations  further developing mindful attention, listening skills, and other personal characteristics.

How to Learn?

Individual Programs

 Arrange for an individual consultation or spiritual direction program with Rabbi Kravitz. Contact us with your request.


Bring Rabbi Kravitz to your community for a lecture, interactive workshop or Scholar-in-Residence  program.  Contact us 

A sampling of programs offered by Rabbi Kravitz

  • Psychology and Judaism – Rabbinic and Kabbalistic Approaches 
  • Psychology and Sefirot 1 – The Path of Teshuvah according to the Baal Shem Tov
  • Psychology and Sefirot 2: Chachmah-Bina-Daat – Mindfulness, Wisdom, Discernment and Knowledge in The Tree of Life
  • Psychology and Sefirot 3: Sefirot and cultivating healthy mind states 
  • Minicourse in Jewish Meditation
  • Mindfulness and Torah: An Introductory Course in Jewish Meditation and Mindfulness [Congregation Beth Shalom –Center for Spiritual Well Being]
  • One Day Intensive Workshop in Spiritual Intelligence [Collaborative Care of Abington, PA]
  • Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days: A Functional Reconstructionist Approach [Reconstructionist Rabbinical College]
  • Spiritual Tools for Recovery: Recovery & Kabbalah
  • Torah Insight Dialogue: a method for learning how to practice mindfulness meditation while in dialogue with others.  Workshop presented  at Philadelphia Board of Rabbis program “Serving The Stiff-Necked People In Challenging Times: A Retreat Day For Jewish Professionals
  • Autonomy and Responsibility. Workshop presented at National Havurah Institute Chesapeake Retreat, Feb. 2020